Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sizes and Dimensions of Above Ground Pools Examined

As it stands today, prefabricated above ground pools are fast becoming the most popular choice for people looking to convert their backyards into aquatic playgrounds. The choices and options in so many pool accessories also continues to expand, as does the choices in the pools themselves.

The Physics of Pool Shapes

Through it all though, due to the physics thats involved with keeping the water contained in above ground pools, their actual shapes is far more limited than say, standard built in cement pools. Those pools you see, can be built in pretty much any shape a person desires.

Round & Oval - Take Your Pick

So your choices in above ground prefabricated pools is limited to round and oval. It's just the way that things are because it's the actual pressure of the water contained in them that keeps them standing. Try installing a prefab unit of this type in any other shape and it would simply collapse.

24 Foot Round - Most Popular Choice

By far the most popular choice in shapes, is the simple basic round pool. Coincidentally, they also tend to be the most affordable and the easiest to install. The the most popular choice in size happens to be the twenty-four foot round pool. It's a good sized unit that's easy to set up and can easily accommodate a crowd.

Smaller and Larger Round Above Ground Pools

Round above ground pools are also available in smaller sized 12 foot and larger sized 33 foot models as well. Bear in mind though that a 12 foot model is more aptly suited for small children and a 33 foot pool will take up a good piece of ground in a backyard.

The Goliath 21' x 41' Oval

Now a 12 foot wide oval pool does have more to offer because it will be 20-24 foot long, which is plenty big for adults and teens. Even so, if that isn't big enough for you there are standard, off the shelf oval models that are a whopping 21 feet by 41 feet, which is a heck of a lot of water to swim in.

Article by Marc Smit. Surf to this site for more details on Hot tubs and above ground pools.

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